Learn how to do UBER and UBER EATS in Atlanta. This page will show you great times and places to start for you to get more money in less time. If you are new to this field of work or a pro. I have great tips for you to maximize your earnings so that you can spend more time doing what you like to do. Here I will have your answers for. Best places for Uber eats drivers in Atlanta. Best places for UBER drivers to drive. How much UBER drivers make in Atlanta. I have been doing ride share driving in Atlanta for over 5 years. Some full time and Part time. I will give plenty of tips and techniques. So you will know how much ride share drivers in Atlanta make.
Uber does a small background check. It is always worth to try because it is free. Usually takes about a week or more. If you have a car already and just need to sign up for UBER There is some requirements. The car requirements to drive with UBER in 2022 for Atlanta are:
UBER has car rentals available in Atlanta. Just scroll down.
Minimum requirements
- 15 years or newer
- Must be a 4 door with working seat belts
- Car must be in working condition. No cosmetic damages
- No commercial vehicles
The car must be registered up to date. The name on the registration can be under anyone. As long as it is legit. Does not have to be the same name as the insurance name.
Who ever drives for Uber must have there name in the insurance policy. In addition Uber do have insurance policy on drivers while driving. You may want to get ride share insurance many big car insurance companies will not pay if in a accident driving ride share. If you do not own a car or do not want to use your car for UBER. There are UBER car rentals in Atlanta.
UBER car rentals:
If you need to rent a car for UBER rideshare or UBEREATS in Atlanta. Here are a few ways to rent. First to get started to rent a car from UBER. Your account must be up to standard. There are two major companies for rideshare rentals in Atlanta. There is Avis UBER rental in Atlanta. There is UBER rental car in Atlanta. I also have a private renter listed. You can find personal UBER car rentals on Facebook if you look.
A list of UBER car rentals in Atlanta
list of a few there is more
Marrietta UBER hertz car rental
1291 Cobb Pkwy SE, Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: 7707921328
College Park UBER hertz car rental
4003 Main St, College Park, GA 30337
Phone: (404) 348-4382
Atlanta Avis UBER car rental
143 Courtland St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 659-4814
Marietta Avis UBER car rental
2359 Windy Hill Rd, Marietta, GA 30067
Phone: (770) 955-2416

Most UBER car rental requirements
- driver must be 21 years or older
- A debit or credit card (no online bank cards)
- If you use a debit card a soft credit check is required, but low credit scores are welcome
Most car rental Includes:
- Liability insurance coverage
- Unlimited mileage
- 24/7 roadside assistance
- Maintenance included (basic)
- Protection against vehicle damage or loss
Can I drive LYFT with a UBER hertz rental? (no you cannot)
Can I drive out of state with a UBER hertz rental? (Yes)
Can I do UBER in other states in a UBER hertz rental? (UBER eats only) exempt: states that require special licence.
Things that may get you rejected . . .
- If you rented from UBER hertz car rental and got into a car accident at your fault
- Online bank cards such as UBER gocard, chime, netspend, walmart, etc
- Small credit check (seen people get approved with 560 credit)
Private companies that Rent/Sell/Finance to UBER/LYFT drivers in Atlanta
Phone: (404) 422-9731
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rideshareatlanta
(best way contacted is on facebook)
Bank cards UBER hertz car rental in Atlanta “DO NOT” accept.
How much UBER drivers make in Atlanta?
UBER driver pay in Atlanta Part – Time is roughly around $500 and up.
Full – Time UBER driver pay can range around $1,000 and up.
How much does UBER Black drivers make in Atlanta?
UBER black driver pay in Atlanta can range from $2000 and up.
Keep in mind all UBER driver pay is based on how much time you put into to working
When is a good time to start driving UBER?
UBER is the kind of job that you can start at your own time. UBER is always going. Everyone will always need a ride. The question is, when can you start driving UBER.
Full-Time UBER drivers can pick there time.
Part-Time UBER drivers have to drive when they can.
The busiest time to drive for UBER in Atlanta:
Monday – Thursday
- 4 A.M – 11 P.M
Friday – Saturday
- 2 P.M – 4 A.M
- All day
Where to drive UBER in Atlanta?
The hottest spots for UBER in Atlanta are these three areas right here:
- Buckhead
- Midtown
- Downtown
Those will be the main three hottest spots in Atlanta. But if you are looking for some specific key points. Here are some more.
UBER driver hot spots in Atlanta:
- Brookhaven
- West Midtown
- Westside
- East point
- Airport
- Battery
- Forrest Park
- Decatur Square
- Perimeter Mall
- Lennox Mall
Where should I start to drive for UBER?
You should always start at your home. All roads lead to the city. Sooner or later that is where you will end up. Before you turn you UBER app on. Get ready to go. Have keys and essentials prepared. So when your app goes off just run out the door.
Even If you are OTP outside of the perimeter you should start from home.
Driving for UBER in Hartsfield Atlanta Airport
This stands for the Rideshare Assembly Area. The address for the RAA is:
1586 Sullivan Road, Atlanta, GA 30337
You can also turn on your UBER app. On the map you can scroll to Hartsfield Airport and hit the P button then hit LETS GO.
How to drive for UBER in Hartsfield Atlanta Airport. The first thing you need to know is the RAA. This is the place where you can park and wait for a ride. Many drivers are here. But If you go at the right time a days. You will get a hit before you even make it to the RAA. Here are the times and day ride share drivers should go to Hartsfield Airport to drive:
Best days:
- Thursday night & Sunday night
- Times is 8pm to 11pm.
- Holidays are best also. A few days before the holidays. And the day after a Holiday.
Drive UBER EATS in Atlanta:
UBER EATS in Atlanta requirements:
- Age 19 or older
- 2 door or 4 door working vehicle that is 20 years or newer
- Valid drivers license, vehicle insurance, and registration
UBER eats in Atlanta can be very profitable. Even though UBER eats seems to be a little more work then passengers. Meaning, You have to get in and out the car to pick up and deliver food. Time can play a role doing UBER EATS in Atlanta.
UBER eats drivers in Atlanta will make $14 to $20 a hour.
During quarantine doing UBER eats in Atlanta I made easy money. I learned the in and outs of the UBER eats game. I had to learn the areas. And a few other things to be successful. If you want to know where I drove in Atlanta. This is my step by step way I did UBER eats in Atlanta during quarantine.
UBER eats during quarantine right now. The customers are tipping. The tips almost match the earnings. The people that order UBER eats are looking out for the drivers during quarantine. So, the drivers are making a little bit more than usually.
Even though when you get your UBER eats order the time may look intimidating. Sometime the time will say 30 minutes or more. That time is a estimate. It includes the cooking and traffic. So when you see a outrageous time and low pay. Don’t worry. The pay do not include tips. I be honest I only do afternoons on UBER eats. I have watched the heat maps during day. I know for sure afternoons is busy. The busiest time of day to drive UBER eats:
Full-Time UBER eats drivers can pick there time.
Part-Time UBER eats drivers have to drive when they can.
The busiest time to drive for UBER eats in Atlanta:
Monday – Thursday
- 11 A.M – 12 P.M
Friday – Saturday
- 11 A.M – 3 A.M
- All day
Where to drive for UBER EATS in Atlanta?
The hottest spots to drive for UBER eats in Atlanta are these three areas right here:
- Buckhead
- Midtown
- Downtown
Those will be the main three hottest spots in Atlanta. But if you are looking for some specific key points. Here are some more.
UBER eats hot spots in Atlanta:
- Brookhaven
- Midtown
- Westside
- Emory
- The Battery
- Buckhead
- Forrest Park
- Decatur Square
- Perimeter
Where should you start to drive for UBER EATS?
You should always start at your home. All roads lead to the city. Sooner or later that is where you will end up. Before you turn you UBER app on. Get ready to go. Have keys and essentials prepared. So when your app goes off just run out the door.
Even If you are OTP outside of the perimeter you should start from home.
Here are some UBER Eats Tips
UBER eats will be going strong in Atlanta for awhile, with all this craziness in the world. People are still working from home. Some people are just scared to come out since the COVID Virus. Now that unemployment checks are coming in. Its really looking good out there on UBER eats in Atlanta. Almost so good that you don’t have to do passengers. For now UBER eats is better than passengers just because you get tips. And you do not have to deal with passengers that can possibly spread the virus.$200 for 6 days straight doing UBER eats journey On this UBER eats journey I took in Atlanta. Was very profitable and experimental. I just had to know if it was possible. The last day was the easiest. But, Thursday was pretty hard. I got a bit tired. I had to stick it out. The motivation. In the video I showed day by day doing UBER eats in Atlanta. Have a look. Then take a crack at it.